Andy Jackson with string quartet
There is every possibility that, at first glance, 90% of our audience for this concert will not be familiar with 90% of the material laid before us for Andy Jackson's concert on 28th February 2010.
Then, when the musicians get underway, there will be some scattered nods of awakened recognition but, more than anything, there will be a sense of discovery and a growing wonderment that this repertoire is not more widely performed either on the concert platform or on our beloved Radio 3 or Classic FM *.
If this might have ignited an interest, you may enjoy researching the pieces before the concert but, scholastically-prepared or not, we expect an enchanting night of music ahead. Appleby's Market Hall might not be the very smartest of concert arenas in the land but, year in year out, our performers all tell us the same thing, that the acoustic in there is astonishingly good. The soft voice of the guitar is equally at home here as a strident brass band and you will be able to hear the softest nuances of all it has to say to us.
If you have guitar-playing friends, then they will be very pleased to have this concert drawn to their attention.
Enough babble, this is what is on the programme for the concert:
Yupanqui Prayer
Geminiani Sonata no. 4 in for English guitar
Boccherini Guitar quintet in C major (“La ritirata di Madrid”)
Vivaldi Concerto in D major
Parades Os anos verdes
Trad arr, Jackson Pobrazinhos
Jackson Reflections on Velazquez’s “Venus”
Boccherini Guitar quintet in D major (“Fandango”)
* Of course, the relative merits of these two radio stations do tend to polarise opinions so, if at the interval you are unable to find suitable words to express your sheer delight with the first half, you might care to hold forth over your chosen listening camp over a cup of lovely coffee, brewed by our dedicated volunteers for your delectation.